
An act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed.

Whether through injury, addiction, mental health issues, or other life trials, we’ve all encountered obstacles on the road toward reaching our goals. Thankfully, we’ve learned a few lessons.

Progress isn’t always linear. It’s two steps forward, three steps back sometimes.

We’re not defined by our past. We choose to move forward with intention so that we can overcome what we thought we could not.

We’re capable of so much more than we think we are

That’s what we learn when we put in the hard work to achieve ever-greater goals in running and life.

We don’t limit ourselves. We know we can notch a new PR at any age. We aspire to greatness, then work every day with laser-like focus to get there.

We’re better together

Success is best when it’s shared. We help each other to higher places by training in groups.

Great camaraderie helps us achieve more than we could achieve on our own.